I woke up this morning ready for the new day, I was out the door and hoping to make it to work at 8:30. It snowed last night, so a thin layer of white covered the side walks and I slipped and struggled over them on my less than 15 minute long walk.
On my way I got cat called by the dumpster collector man, but it was not just any cat call. Thanks to technology complete strangers now have the ability to shout out there first and last name to you saying, "Hey find me on facebook, be my friend, you looking good girl." Due to this comical scene I knew my day was headed in the right direction.
I approached the door at exactly 8:29, perfect timing. The staff is personable, even though I am on a whole floor to myself, every time one of them walks by the pick up conversation and ask me if I need anything. They are giving me wife cell numbers, suggesting churches and giving in-depth tours of the three story house-office.
My editor sits down and hands me two stories for me for the week, easy enough. I am in business: researching, writing and contacting sources. I have a window life is good. It's a second first day and this new start is going to open my opportunities and give me more insight into politics that involve moral, social and justice issues. I can't wait to see what I will learn next.
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